40 Years Ago Today

Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool, Aug. 28, 1963; click to enlarge

I have lots of things I can thank my parents for, but here’s one I still feel aggrieved about: on August 28, 1963, they did not allow me to go with them to the March on Washington. It’s hard to imagine now, but there was a lot of concern about whether the crowd might become “unruly;” Mom and Dad figured they could take care of themselves, so they attended, but they were worried about whether a 12-year-old me would stick with them or get lost in the crowd. Because of that, I missed seeing Dr. King give the “I Have A Dream” speech. I’ve regretted that ever since I realized the importance of the moment. (Note: Mom points out that, while she doesn’t really remember, it’s entirely possible that, as a twelve-year-old boy, I might not have wanted to go. Could be, could be.)
Update: Billmon has a wonderful essay on the same subject.