Political briefs

Gary Hart has some thoughts on the declining amount of civility to be found in American politics. It’s a short and thought-provoking read.
Tom Daschle (that’s Satan, to the Limbaugh followers) intends to blog his annual road trip around South Dakota.
The Associated Press is reporting that Adm. Poindexter plans to resign from his job at DARPA, following the terrorism futures market fiasco. I’m of two minds: glad he’s gone, but worried about who replaces him. If the Administration picks some very low-profile type, will the TIA project continue to have the kind of scrutiny it drew because of Poindexter’s notoriety?
The drug lobby’s activities trying to block the drug importation bill have annoyed one of the people who works in the pharmaceutical trenches.

I’ve said it before: the “unsafe drugs” argument is a loser. It smells, and the smell clings to people who take it seriously (or pretend to.) There are real arguments against drug reimportation, arguments that thinking adults have a reasonable chance of understanding and sympathizing with. But we can’t make them while we’re pretending that antihistamines from Edmonton are going to poison everyone, now can we?