
Wow. Apple says in its first week it has sold one million songs through iTunes.

Here’s a hypothesis I’d never heard before: language spreads as agriculture does. I guess I changed out of that anthropology major a semester or so too soon.

I’m sure the scientists are careful, but using Ebola to treat cystic fibrosis sounds scary as hell to me.

And finally, peanut butter takes its rightful place at the National Institute of Standards and Technology as one of its Standard Reference Materials. Pass the Jif.


  1. I worked for several years with cystic fibrosis patients. We used to try just about everything to keep them alive. I wonder if the ebola used is a purified version of the “bad” ebola….
    Kind of like Botox and Botulism…..

  2. Hi Steve,
    My computer is dead,
    the tech says it may take a few days to find out what is the matter with it, so no new site for awhile.
    And no email. I am now going through withdrawal….

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