You want me to read that??

What’s wrong with this picture? Referring to the fiscal 2003 budget, it’s a “1,100-page spending packagewhich most members of Congress have not seen…” I grant you that Congresspeople are busy, and trying to grasp the details buried in an eleven-hundred page document might take weeks, but it ain’t no way to run a country.
Apparently the tax code is too big to read, too: Enron (remember Enron?) managed to (quite legally, apparently) avoid paying taxes four of its last five years in business, and the IRS is befuddled.
Don’t I recall Shelley blogging about kissing? Ok, that’s the hard science version; here’s the breezier buzz on osculation. If you have a .wav or mp3 file of As Time Goes By, boot it up while reading.


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