
The double helix

A big scientific birthdate occurred fifty years ago today; the discovery of DNA.
R.I.P., Mr. Rogers

Here’s a charming appreciation of Mr. Rogers; read the final paragraph for a lovely anecdote. I confess I never watched the show; I plead being the wrong age group. By the time it began I was already in college, and the idea of getting a bunch of fraternity boys to tune the only television to Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood would have been met with thrown glasses or something.


  1. I always had a major crush on Watson and Crick,I would stare at their pixs in my Catholic School Science Books. Intelligence is Sexy! I wrote a teary eye dedication in my blog about Mr.Rogers. But all of surreally is down, so no one can see it…
    I think if all the frat boys tuned to Fred,there would not be a dry eye in the ole TriEpsilonDeltaBetaZigmiPi Animal House..!

  2. The Watson/Crick story is fascinating; the race with Linus Pauling, building on Rosalind Franklin’s work, etc.
    I’m still trying to remember what was on that tv, since it was long before cable and ESPN.

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