Party to your heart’s content?

I swear I’m not trying to find these male-oriented stories, but they keep showing up on the radar. Whirlpool is not just your father’s washing machine company anymore; meet Gladiator! Just the thing for your garage! And in the final paragraph you’ll find a treat for football fans, too; an all-in-one tailgate system! Woo-hoo!
If you want to find Edgar Allan Poe’s works online, go directly to the Edgar Allan Poe Society. John of Linkworthy mentioned the heightened senses of the protagonist in The Telltale Heart, and I went looking for e-texts of Poe, because it’s far easier to find those than my copy of Poe’s Collected Tales on these shelves. (Oh, in case you’ve forgotten, he’s got really sensitive hearing).
Bush and secrecy. There’s nothing new here, but it serves as a reminder notice to those who may have forgotten. More secrecy: the GAO (henceforth known as Congressional Rollover Office) has decided not to appeal its case against Cheney and his Energy Task Force. In current psychotherapy jargon, this makes the GAO an “enabler.”

One Comment

  1. Gee… you sound as surprised about the Cheney case as I am.
    Remind me again how much time and money Ken Starr blew to prosecute Clinton?

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