Listmania and budgets

You may have heard of the Library of Congress’s new archiving project called the National Recording Registry. The 2002 list of additions has just been released. As with all these lists, you may have your own view of whether these were the right choices; two of them are baseball-related (Casey at the Bat and Who’s On First).
Is the Bush budget Reagan re-hashed? Some say no; it goes far beyond what Reagan tried to do.
If you’re interested in whether your particular ox got gored in the process, here are two looks, department-by-department. One of those oxen, Medicaid, seems to be a particular target of Mr. Bush’s ire: “many poor people, including some in nursing homes, will no longer be guaranteed benefits.” Dammit, man, get off that IV and go to work!
For links to the thing in all its stultifying splendor(?), visit the White House OMB.


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