Damn furrinners

Full text of the purported Osama tape. Other primitive man news: Stonehenge may have been built by immigrants.
The threat TIA posed to civil liberties has suddenly awakened the House leadership. A conference committee has blocked its use against American citizens.
Off to find English-language copies of ennabling legislation for the Norwegian and Danish National Health Services; wish me luck.


  1. I was just getting ready to note this on my site, too. Is it just my imagination, or does everyone seem to be ignoring the bit where bin Laden refers to the Hussein government as a regime of “infidels”?

  2. C’mon, prof. That’s easy; if you’re a warblogger or a supporter/member of the Bush administration, you conveniently ignore it. If you’re an anti-war blogger, you highlight it. We’re all guilty of spin. Grins…

  3. I was at Stonehedge in the late 70’s. That was when you were allowed to walk inside this historic site. Now its chained off in some way, because of the abuse by “visitors”. There was alot of graffiti when I was there…
    I read your link to the Bin Laden speech.
    I found it very interesting. Also very interesting that he would talk at this time…
    Its amazing how all this “stuff” is happening so fast, isn’t it??
    Makes you wonder what is really real..

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