SOTU and other goodies

News Flash! The State of the Union Drinking Game is HERE!
Edited to Add: the one mentioned on NPR’s ATC is here.
For those of you keeping score at home, here’s a cribsheet for what was promised in last year’s State of the Union and what’s been delivered.
“You are a member of the Settlement Group if you are a person (or entity) in the United States or its Territories and Possessions who purchased prerecorded Music Products, consisting of compact discs, cassettes and vinyl albums, from one or more retailers during the period January 1, 1995, through December 22, 2000. The number of claims filed will determine the actual amount of the individual refund but will not exceed $20.00 per claimant.”
Yes, that means you can collect up to $20 if you fit that parameter. Go to the linked site and file a claim.


  1. Dang, I wish I had known about the Drinking Game a few hours ago! I could’ve been quite hammered by now. I have a lot of catching up to do. Suppose I could save it up for the weekend? 😉

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