Hubris at 1600?

In the wake of the Lott fiasco I’m astonished at the Administration’s willingness to reopen those wounds by renominating Judge Pickering, at the dinner hour, no less (scroll down to “Dinner party”). Lost in the Pickering discussion was the fact that Bush also renominated Priscilla Owen, who was rejected by the Judiciary Committee as well, for what the Democrats view as anti-abortion leanings.
If you believe David Frum, “the president is a visionary, possessing an artist’s prescience and wisdom;” if you believe the Washington Post editorial, Bush is a “wedge-driver”.
Oh, the hell with it. I’m gonna go watch golf from Maui. Mr. Woods is not here; he’s still recovering from knee surgery. There was a funny quote from him the other day: if he spends any more time on a stationary bike he’ll come back for the Tour de France instead of the PGA Tour; if I were Lance Armstrong, I’d be concerned.