Economics, Bush Style

The Administration economic plan for every contingency appears to be a) tax cuts for his contributors and b) exhortations to the rest of us to shop, either in retail stores or in the stock market. “Bush said investors should take heart in the new year…”
Somebody at the WashPost website has a sense of irony, or maybe it’s really disdain for the city’s politicians. On the main Politics page are these two stories, one below the other: “Williams Aims to Grow D.C.”, a story about the Mayor hoping to “recruit” 100,000 more folks to live there, followed by a slightly smaller headline which reads “D.C. Cuts Funds For Education, Literacy Efforts.” Obviously, doing the second makes the first less likely.
I used to live 10 miles outside Washington; I wish the guy luck. The only job I’d want to have in or around the city would be one where I could leave town from June to August. Summer there is the most oppressive I’ve ever endured, even worse than that of Phoenix. At least in Arizona that old gag about it being a dry heat has some truth behind it; in Northern Virginia ain’t no such thing as “dry” after April or so, if memory serves.