WOT(s), Me Worry?

Today’s WOTS*:
was?sail, n.
1a. A salutation or toast given in drinking someone’s health or as an expression of good will at a festivity.
1b. The drink used in such toasting, commonly ale or wine spiced with roasted apples and sugar.
Apologies and court victories, Administration style: DiIulio redux and secrecy justified. This is looking more and more like government of, by and for the well-connected. Privacy, too, is under attack, all for laudable goals, but at what price?
*Word of the Season


  1. Psst. All future entries of the word wassail should be linked to Faith.
    Say I forced you to do it or hacked the system or something.
    And I never posted this.
    Evil elves are to blame.

  2. Read this on KD’s blog.

    Read this on KD’s blog. She got it from linkmeister. Historians will look back on our time and see that our civilization spends many millions of dollars educating people about the scourge of H.I.V. and AIDS, which has already taken…

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