Servers and DNS Propagation

Well, who knows? It was a week ago that our host switched servers on us with no advance warning, in an attempt to resolve our inability to ping weblogs and other MT sites while on a server “farm.” Ever since then this site has been bouncing back and forth between the former server’s DNS address and the replacement one’s. Everything I’ve read says the process should take 48-72 hours, so why it’s taken a week and is still moving around between the two is beyond me. In all my attempts to figure out what’s going on, I’ve learned the DOS ping command, and learned that my version of Win95 doesn’t have the ipconfig.exe program, for reasons that remain unclear. With ipconfig, you can ostensibly “flush” your DNS settings, and that seemed to be desirable; I’ve tried unsuccessfully to find a copy of it to download from Microsoft or anywhere else.
If anyone has any ideas, explanations, or a source for that program, I’m up for it.


  1. I got your earlier note, but just wanted to say I really didn’t find the ability to flush my own cache helpful. However, after figuring out where my “host” file is and how to add to it, I did that and it appears to have helped some.

  2. Moving an existing domain always takes longer than setting a new one up. It’s the routing info held on all the routing eqpt on the internet that’s the problem. Most only refresh their cache every 48 hours (some longer) or so which is why it takes so long. I’ve been in the situation of constantly pinging a moved domain and one minute it shows up at the new ip address and the next it’s back at the old one 🙁 Glad you’re settled in now.

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