Vets to Anthro to Blogs

It’s ailing dog week, apparently (see Batgrl’s entry et seq.); the vet just found four small but suspicious lumps on our beastie. He wants to do full-on excisions rather than biopsies, on the theory that once the pooch is anesthetized, you’re already halfway into the process, so why not go ahead and cut? This is part of a six-month checkup, and the lumps weren’t there last check, so hopefully we’ve caught them soon enough.

On to the other news: writing about Bono and his African tour with SecTreas, Ann Powers discusses the intersection of entertainment and social activism, citing Geldorf, Nelson and Belafonte; she doesn’t go back far enough (remember Paul Robeson?) but it’s still a good sketch.

Nurses aren’t rock stars like Bono, but, like him, in great demand, nonetheless; BtC and TOC, take note.

Ship ahoy? A new shipwreck has been found in the Gulf of Mexico, smack dab under an oil pipeline.

There’s apparently a journal devoted to Nautical Archaeology, which shouldn’t surprise anyone. More anthropology (hey, I picked the University of Arizona because it had a great Anthro department; I thought I wanted to do that forever): how did cooking affect human development? Then there’s this little mystery…human faces carved in cave floors.

Want some more human ingenuity? Try composing music onscreen, no lines, staves or notes required.

If you’ve got 10 minutes, you might want to read a somewhat turgid (my estimation) article about the convergence and divergence of blogging and journalism. It’s an interesting analysis.