Odds and ends and essays

Better content through Zip programs? Scientists have found a technique for identifying patterns within compressed files. Here’s a subjective list of websites worth investigating, brought to you by Time magazine. (Link courtesy of NP News.) If you find yourself trying to fight irrational arguments with reason, don’t feel alone. And you could fight shoplifters with memory chips embedded in your product.

In the Oops! file we find a story of a cloned critter which was supposed to be a cow, but…“Bull Clone Stumps Brazil…” I’d like to have Faith report back on this one: The Dole Museum of Salad opened in NY today. It moves to its permanent location in California next month. Finally, a couple of articles from The Atlantic Monthly (February issue…I’m behind): Commentary on the Nobel Prize for Literature award recipient, V.S. Naipaul, and an essay about the hierarchies of evil.


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