Earth Day

On Earth Day, a couple of items caught my eye. I sincerely hope this remark by a Republican pollster comes back to bite him in the backside: “The environment resonates most strongly with the beats, the backpackers and the bangles crowd.” In my view that typifies the arrogance of this Administration, although he may not work directly for it. Pardon me, it’s time to go hug a tree, wearing my backpack, with some bangles inside that thing.

There may be hope, however; some scientists at Los Alamos may have found a method of extracting CO2 directly from the atmosphere. Even if that doesn’t work, how about placing solar cells on the Moon to provide a replacement for fossil fuels altogether?

Did y’all get your free cone at Ben & Jerry’s today?


  1. something about ben and jerry becoming corporate sellouts. either that or i was too tired and involved with writing stuff — it needed out, you know? anyway, i didn’t get out much. that’s not new …

  2. I never did get my free cone. It was almost snowing here, and I can’t eat ice cream when I’m cold. Nope. No can do.

  3. Hey, Toxic…there’s no B&J here either; and Jen, think of the logistical puzzle freezing a single filled ice-cream cone might present. kd, no B&J on the beach in sunny SoCal?

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