Jesse Helms as Good Guy?

He has got to be the most unlikeliest of sources of help fighting AIDS, but nonetheless, Sen. Jesse Helms is offering to increase appropriations for USAID to do just that. More motherhood issues, albeit not quite as tragic for humanity: remember the mysterious deaths of Kentucky thoroughbred foals last year? So far, so good this spring. In other pregnancy news, the FDA has cleared an electronic gizmo which purports to relieve morning sickness. And someone has identified a need for Internet counselling to wean people away from online addiction. If anyone recognizes him/herself, don’t blame the messenger.

I heard a rather intriguing idea put forth today from one of the lawyers arguing for the families in the Supreme Court decision announced today. He suggested that there was apparently a double standard at work in the government’s zero-tolerance drug policy for public housing occupants, since the President’s daughter had been convicted of a drug-related offense, yet the government was not evicting Mr. Bush from the White House, although it too is public housing. Amusing, no? Remember the story about the Saudi religious police allegedly refusing to help girls escape from that Mecca fire due to their lack of abayas? Well, the Saudi government has now fired the Minister in charge of women’s education, and merged his department into the principal Education Ministry.

Restaurant owners: Final Four Fat? Finally, here’s one for Faith, or anyone else living in the big city and tired of car noise: Honku, a site which includes haiku about noise pollution. The organization (one guy) is based on Clinton Street in Brooklyn. I heard him interviewed on CBC today, and heard some of the “honku” quoted. Quite funny.


  1. Government double standard—hmmmm, there really should be more press on this issue. Granted that the Supreme Court does not make the laws and can only interpret them, I guess the Legislative branch screwed up on that one. Of course, the law doesn’t apply to the presidential family because they are above the law? LOL! Strange, isn’t there an asset forfeiture law that allows the government to seize property if it has been the site of drug activity?

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