Here lies danger

Mom recently ordered a book from Barnes & Noble (The Uncommon Reader). It came in, and since I’ve had two gift certificates burning a hole in my pocket since Christmas, I volunteered to go into town to Ala Moana Shopping Center to get it this morning.

I can only say it’s a good thing I had the gift certificates. I have a T-shirt which has imprinted on its front “Lead Me Not Into Temptation. . .especially bookstores,” and it fits me both physically and emotionally. Those stores are the Devil’s own.

I behaved, only getting two books to fill out holes in my collections of authors or series, but I could spend a fortune in there. I got Karen Rose’s most recent book You Belong to Me, the latest in her string of suspense/police procedurals, and War of Honor, the tenth book in the Honor Harrington series (thank heaven I’ve found the other nine at the local used book emporium!).

I managed to save the second gift card for use between now and my next birthday when I’m almost sure I’ll get another one or two.