Five years ago

What’s there to say about the fifth anniversary of Bush’s Mission Accomplished spectacle?
Quite a bit, actually.

Five years ago, 139 American troops had died in Iraq. Now that number is 4,064. Five years ago, 542 American troops had been wounded in Iraq. Now that number is 29,395.
Five years ago, the national debt was $6.5 trillion. Now it’s $9.3 trillion. Five years ago, your average gallon of gas cost $1.44. Now it costs $3.57. Five years ago, Bush’s job-approval rating was at 70 percent. Now it’s at 28.

Quite a legacy you’ve got there, Shrub. And I don’t think your hagiographic library at SMU is going to fool too many people.


  1. I hope that History’s books won’t be written by Fox News. I hope that in 2012 the People won’t have forgotten which Party helped make the world a bloody mess. Heck. I hope the People remember that in November this year.

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