Greece stays, Greece goes, who knows?

Paul Krugman and others have asserted that European banks were the big beneficiaries of the early Greek bailout. They’ve gotten pushback, apparently. Steve Randy Waldman has created a timeline of events from that early 2010 bailout through the second one in 2012. I can’t swear to the accuracy of his analysis, but it seems to …

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Austerity fail

The Europeans who advocated major austerity for Greece to solve its budget problems are now watching as the country slides into depression. They seem to have believed that punishing Greek politicians for their profligate ways was more important than keeping the country as a going concern. European powers, led by fiscally conservative Germany, have been …

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The Europeans (and the press) really do like to obfuscate. As Atrios says, “I guess we’ll continue to maintain this fantasy of ‘bailing out Greece’ instead of ‘bailing out people who lent money to Greece.’” Greece is in trouble because it borrowed more money than it could pay back. From whom did it borrow money? …

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