National Parks

If you’re traveling within the country this summer, here’s a list of National Park experiences compiled by the National Park Foundation. Click to get more info including links to the individual park sites.

  • Best place to watch a sunrise – Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park, Maine
  • Best photo opportunity – Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho
  • Best beach – Olympic National Park, Washington State
  • Best “watering hole” – Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
  • Best place to take a date – Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, Virginia
  • Best access to breathtaking beauty – Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
  • Best proud moment – Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site, Alabama
  • Best place to see fossils – Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico
  • Best stargazing – Glacier National Park, Montana
  • Best place to experience goosebumps – Antietam National Battlefield, Maryland
  • Best setting for a wedding – Chapel at Yosemite National Park, California

Hmm. I’ve been to Yellowstone, Olympic, Grand Teton, Carlsbad, and Yosemite. I may have been to Antietam on the way to or from Gettysburg, but I don’t remember it. Wolf Trap may have been under construction while I lived in the area, but I don’t think it had fully opened by the time we headed West in 1968. I saw Yellowstone and Jackson Hole on that cross-country trip. I went to Olympic on an Oregon-Washington coast driving vacation back in 1986; Yosemite was part of a similar vacation in 1985. I’ve seen Carlsbad at least twice, once in 1962 (again on a cross-country trip, this time heading East) and again in 1992.

Time to get out the Parks Life List again.


  1. Let me try to jog your memory about Antietam…
    Do the terms Dunker Church, Cornfield, Sunken Road, and, most emblematic of all, Burnside’s Bridge ring a bell? Viewing it not too long after the Burns series, I really did get the goosebumps predicted by the NPF. Gettysburg too, but the single-day Antietam battle is much easier to get your mind around than the three day ebb-and-flow of Gettysburg.

  2. I’ve been to several of the Parks, but would love to just see them all. I’d also like to see the Grand Canyon, and have never made it. I saw it by air once, but that hardly counts.

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