Fiscal disarmament

I know tax discussions are eye-glazing, but that doesn’t make them any less important.

Bush’s two swift and deep cuts changed the tenor of American politics, probably for the next decade. Instead of debating about whether or how to shore up Social Security, invest in our cities, expand prescription drug coverage and back up our military might abroad with reconstruction and aid packages, we will lapse back into the politics of relative scarcity, dominated by haggling over cuts in government spending and a game of chicken over who proposes tax increases.

That $87B number seems to have shocked a lot of folks; suddenly the economic principle of opportunity cost seems to have come alive (for those who’ve forgotten, that’s the idea that for every economic action there’s a cost of not doing something else, and that something else has value too).

But Cheney stands firm! Of course, the article points out that virtually every “fact” he lays out has previously been disproven, but that’s just the mean nasty media trying to present the truth.

One Comment

  1. Yeah, funny how they thought we’d go over, blow shit up, kill Saddam and come home, and it would stop Al Qaeda and get revenge for September 11th and, who know, cure cancer or whatever other fantastical bullshit people seem willing to believe.

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