The 19th Century Was Great!

Alabama voters defeated a more progressive tax system (see below):

“No one’s life is a complete waste. Some of us serve as bad examples. And Governor Riley is going to serve as a bad example,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.

“Years from now, little baby Republican governors will be told scary stories late at night, around the campfire, about the sad fate of governors like Riley who steal a billion dollars from their people.”

But wait, he wasn’t done yet:

“This is a shot across the bow for next year’s decision-making,” said Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, who made defeat of Riley’s proposal a cause of conservative, anti-tax groups. “Every Republican governor who thinks of raising taxes next year will walk past Traitor’s Gate and see Bob Riley’s head on a pike. The voters of Alabama have saved taxpayers from California to Maine billions of dollars.”

I’d love to see that SOB survive without government services like the DMV (which licenses either him or his driver) and the DOT (which surfaces the roads and keeps the traffic flowing; roads he or his driver use), or the cops and firemen (which protect him and his property when needed) and the prisons (which house all those who take libertarian principles to unacceptable extremes) among other essential things government provides. If Social Security and Medicare survive, I wonder if the checks can be withheld when he needs them? Had Dante met Norquist…

These gentlemen have more to add.