Gennelmen, place yer bets

Wanna get a bet down on Bush second term futures? On Saddam Hussein’s date of departure? On whether there’s a second UN resolution? Go to TradeSports, a Dublin-based betting shop; click on Politics/Current Events. In somewhat related news, am I the only one who thinks combining $26 billion in loans and grants to Turkey in exchange for using its land as a jumping-off spot for war smacks of bribery?

Remember the recently-dropped GAO suit for Cheney’s energy task force records? It now appears that the GAO was threatened by Republican Senators as an inducement to drop the suit.

Walker did say, however, that several lawmakers have threatened in the past year to cut agency funding if it persisted with the controversial lawsuit. He also said the budget threat was among a number of factors that tipped his Feb. 7 decision to halt litigation.

In an apparent defeat, at least for now, the FCC will continue to allow states to regulate telephone company leasing rates to their competitors. Presumably this means more stable prices on the phone bill, although there will probably be an appeal. What’s interesting is that it’s a defeat for FCC Chairman Michael Powell (yes, Colin’s son), champion of the deregulation forces.


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