Harry Potter & the Chamber of Confusion

I just got back from seeing the movie, and I enjoyed it. However, I have a quibble; at the end of the movie (I don’t think this could be called a spoiler, and besides, anyone who really wanted to see it probably already has), Hagrid gets a standing ovation from the students upon his entrance to the banquet hall. My question is, why? His removal was not exactly a major part of the film, and certainly there is no great love for him expressed in the books by anyone other than Harry, Ron and Hermione, so the exuberant joy on the part of the entire student body didn’t make much sense to me. Am I nitpicking or missing something?


  1. I haven’t seen either this one or the first one, and haven’t read any of the books. But a glance at imdb.com shows tha Hagrid is played by Robbie Coltrane. And I’d applaud Robbie Coltrane just for striding across the floor. Heh.

  2. I’m with Jen on this (except for the part about not seeing the first HP movie). Robbie Coltrane is the coolest. Obviously it was a real-life standing O that they left in the movie by mistake. 😉

  3. No, the movie wasn’t banned in Boston. I’ve just been giving my time to *cough* quality films like ‘Solaris’ and ‘Equilibrium. Heh. Nothing says ‘quality’ like half nekkid Christian Bales or George Clooneys. ;P

  4. I read the books after I saw the 2nd movie, so the standing O didn’t strike me as really strange until just now. I did love that movie, though. Wow. And now I’m hooked on the books and can’t wait for The Goblet of Fire to come in movie form. lol

  5. what skits said 🙂
    and i can’t wait for the next book. it’s supposed to be out next summer or fall. Harry Potter and the Phoenix something or other.

  6. hee. I feel the same way about Stephen King and the Dark Tower series. If they weren’t prepared to write all the time and ignore all other aspects of their lives, they shouldn’t have written such wonderful addictive books! :p

  7. I have all the Potter books in hardcover and damn proud.
    I didn’t have a problem with the standing ovation so much as how looong it went on.
    Definitely a Movie Moment.
    I need to see the flick again too.
    Can’t get enough Quidditch. I think I could watch a weekly Quidditch series…

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