Lost, Season 3, Episode 18

Damn. Remember the old Supremes song “You Keep Me Hangin’ On?”
Every time I feel a spark of liking for Juliet she calls Ben, which instantly makes me angry at her duplicity all over again. And how the hell can Mikhail be alive? And the outside world has, according to the parachute lady, recovered the plane with no survivors?
Here’s Ryan’s take on last night’s cliffhanger.


  1. For Mikhail, I think the explanation could be that the effect of the fence are temporary on human or temporary. It seems from Juliet and Kate’s experience that maybe the fence as only 1 purpose : keep away the black smoke.
    For the no survivor’s stuff : I have no clues… Liked to time travel of desmond ? I am very interested to see how the writers are going to handle that. Maybe like they often did : change topic… For instance, the power source of the Island, it was supposed to come form the 1st hatch… but it is not.

  2. Oh please – Juliet’s shown her colours many times over… Liking her is like getting conned by someone shady 3 times in a row, and then believing him “this time” when he has a great investment deal for you.

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