We’ve rarely had any trouble with our food on Christmas Day, but today was the exception which proved the rule.
It’s been traditional for years to have a standing rib roast on Christmas Day, and today was no different. It got done and we pulled it out to let it rest, placing it on a ribbed glass platter. We then put the platter on a hot tray, and therein was our mistake.
That platter broke into about seventeen pieces just minutes after being placed on the hot tray. A mad scramble ensued as we cleaned glass off the counter, the floor, and the bottom of the roast.
We decided to carve the bottom half-inch of meat off the roast before serving.
Ah, yes, the old “non-tempered glass differential cooling rates” fail. Sorry to hear that.
After consultation I’ve learned the thing was a cake platter, not a serving platter. It didn’t like heat of anywhere near the kind it was subjected to.