Classic baseball radio

Here’s one for the books: under the “Sights and Sounds” section of this page at the Atlanta Braves’ website is Vin Scully’s call of Hank Aaron’s 715th home run. You’ll remember that Aaron hit it off the Dodgers’ Al Downing, which is why Scully broadcast it; he was and remains the Dodgers’ broadcasting genius. Why did I think of this? Because of Barry Bonds’ assault on Aaron’s record, of course. Several of the broadcasters who may be called upon to describe that event gave their thoughts about doing so here.
Anyway, it’s 6+ minutes of Vinnie at his best. Have a listen.
Links via the comments at Dodger Thoughts.


  1. Sorry, but Milo Hamilton’s call of 715 was better.
    However, the best call of any baseball play in history involved the Dodgers. Yep…
    “I don’t believe what I just saw! I don’t BELIEVE what I just saw!” — Jack Buck, 1988

  2. I used to listen to Vince Scully call the Dodger games with my grandpa so I feel like he’s practically part of our family. He’s got that voice…the sort that you can hear and id within a nanosecond!
    I want Hank Aaron’s record to hold!!!!

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