The ultimate flip-flop…

From Amazing Grace: “I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind, but now I see.”

Try that out the next time you hear someone tell you that that secular Frenchman John Kerry flip-flops.

What are the odds that the guy who caught Barry Bonds’ 660th home run would also catch the 661st?

Oy. Anyone up for Margaret Thatcher’s Greatest Hits? It’s only available via the web. The shop which sells it has closed its only brick-and-mortar location; according to its owner, as heard on CBC’s As It Happens, the congestion charge in London (5 pounds a day to drive into the city) has reduced traffic but also significantly eaten into his walk-in trade. Gosh, I wonder how many other small specialty shops have closed for the same reason? I’d hate that; I loved walking around London the two times I’ve been there.


  1. Larry Ellison is a big-dog person at PeopleSoft — we heard him speak at the conference I went to in Atlanta last month — we use their software for our alumni database. Didn’t know he was a baseball fan. Coolness.

  2. Grins. You’re thinking of Larry Ellison of Oracle, which is trying to buy PeopleSoft. Not the same guy. I heard NPR interview this guy, and that was made clear. When I heard the name I wondered, too.

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