Back to reality

If you know a vet (particularly a Vietnam or Vietnam-era vet as I was) who’s wondering which candidate to support in November, point him over to this post by Billmon. I read the same quotation he cites, but I didn’t make the logical jump he does. He points to a remark by some Bush spokesperson saying all Kerry does is talk about his Vietnam experience, and who cares? Billmon takes offense, and so do I. Go over there and read why.


  1. Came over here for something but immediately got immersed in the Billmon post. Now I forgot why I’m here. But thanks for putting up the link.

  2. Ah hah! I finally remembered why I came here. Do you do email? Can’t find your address. Found something, response to a comment you left long ago, but in light of everything else going on, it ends up seeming like trivia.
    Oh. Re: sputtering. My philosophy: sometimes you never know you affect your world. Go on! It’s for a good cause.

  3. My part . . .

    I was going to make my “reappearance post” all about the craziness of the kids being on spring break, the new job, catching up with blogland, moving and painting the new (to us, anyway) house and other assorted light-hearted stuff….

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