John Muir won’t like this

Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Sierra Club? If so, be advised that that estimable organization is in danger of being corrupted by several anti-immigration groups. They are attempting to take over the Board of the Club, as they’ve tried before. I’ve heard about this in the past, but Mary Ratcliff has done a great deal of research and posted her results over here at the American Street. A couple of the prospective board members have served in power positions at anti-immigrant organizations in the past, organizations which have been partially funded by Richard Mellon Scaife. Scaife, you may recall, was the money man behind many of the false accusations leveled against Bill Clinton. Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of the nation’s leading hate group watchdogs, has put his name in nomination to the Sierra Club Board in an effort to publicize this hostile takeover attempt.

If you’re a member of the Club (I used to be, but let the membership lapse for economic reasons), please familiarize yourself with the issues and be sure to vote in the upcoming Board elections.


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