In defense of Kerry

The next time you hear some Republican operative claim that John Kerry has voted against 13 weapons systems (as claimed here by the RNC), cite the facts contained here in rebuttal. Fred Kaplan of Slate has done the legwork to find out just what each of the bills/resolutions cited in the RNC’s talking points contained, and learned that there’s no there there.

Something for which there seems to be no defense: the President and Vice-President refuse to speak to the entire commission investigating 9/11; they will only speak to the chairman and vice-chairman, and only for an hour. The National Security Advisor also refuses to speak in open session. Which raises one question: why?


  1. So does that denote a short attention span? 😉
    I dunno, it just seems like very little time to give to a commission trying to discover all the facts about the worst terrorist attack this country’s ever seen.

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