Playoff picks

Since the Dodgers finished second in their division (again) to the hated Giants (again), I need to figure out who I’m rooting for here. Because of the noted perfidy of the Giants (think Bobby Thomson in 1951, the 3-game playoff in 1962, and Joe Morgan’s home run that gave the pennant to Atlanta in 1982), I can’t root for them. That means I’m rooting for the Marlins in that series, and of course the Cubbies are sentimental favorites in the other one; I’m tired of Atlanta. The Braves have now been in the playoffs for 12 consecutive years and have failed all but once; time for them to move on.
In the American League I have the same problem with the Yankees; they’ve been there so often, and besides they’ve done horrible things to the Dodgers over the years, so I’m rooting for the Twins (who used to be the Washington Senators, and thus were once sort of a home town team of mine). The other Series? How can I root for anyone but the Red Sox? I remember the A’s beating the Dodgers in 1974, and besides, the Red Sox have been heartbroken nearly as long as (and have come much closer than) the Cubs.
Do I think I’ve picked the winners? Heck no. That’s just the first round; I’m sure I’ll be disappointed (that’s what baseball does to you–it disappoints). I’ll have new choices once the next round starts.
Who’s picking whom?


  1. On the whiteboard outside my office door, I picked them this way:
    Min-NYY = Min
    Oak-Bos = Bos
    SF-Fla = SF
    Atl-ChC = Atl
    Min-Bos = Bos
    SF-Atl = Atl
    Bos-Atl = Atl
    Not the result I *want*, by any means. I’m rooting for the eight teams in this order:
    Bos >> SF > Oak > Min >> Atl > ChC > Fla >>>>> NYY

  2. Well, Boston v. Atlanta would have a little history behind it, if you go back past 1955 or whenever it was the Braves moved to Milwaukee.
    As to Cubs-Sox, I’ve seen the scenario all over the place: 7th game, extra innings, clouds burst, lightning flashes. Deep voice uttered from above: “Game over. Co-winners.”

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