Why I despise the Yankees

The very idea of a 1 p.m. Game 1 offends George Steinbrenner, the Yankees’ principal owner. “I’m not happy,” Steinbrenner said in a statement. “It eliminates a lot of people who are forced to work at that time. The Yankees are the biggest draw in baseball, and tied for the very best record. Who else should be in prime time?”

Well, how about the Cubs and the Braves?

“If I had the decision-making process,” Steinbrenner continued, “I’d put the Yankees in the night game. We’re the best-known team and that’s where we belong.”

Steinbrenner thinks about the World Series the way Republicans think about the White House; it’s an entitlement.


  1. Aw, don’t blame the Yankees for Steinbrenner. He’s been a pain in the keister for as long as I can remember and he’s better than he used to be. It’s part of being a Yankees fan to loathe Steinbrenner.

  2. Can you believe it? I talked with Raye for 45 minutes this evening without gloating even once about the Twins’ victory over the damnYankees.
    Shows that l’affaire Plame really is serious stuff.

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