
I claim no originality here, but a relatively dull football game tonight caused me to wander about the link list and gather nuts and berries. A few pecans (no raspberries here!):

Josh Marshall suggests that Rummy and friends are reliving history, specifically the infamous “stab in the back” charge leveled against post-WWI German politicians by German militarists. TalkLeft has some thoughts about the revelation that DoJ is using the Patriot Act for criminal as well as terrorism investigations, despite the law’s intent. Juan Cole critiques Mr. Bush’s speech (see 9/8 entry). Quiddity has a new European map, redrawn with new names by the current Administration.
Jon is nattering about mosh pits and media labs, while Batty contemplates adding a minifridge to the chaos living room. Michele is collecting 9/11 stories at Voices. Shelley is the proud owner of a pink Powerbook. Solonor is soliciting votes for Zuly for Drama Queen of the Internet. Scott has found an Onion News Generator. Deborah is worrying about her Canadian immigration status. Ms. LabRat has returned from Alaska, with photos. And finally, Suzette, formerly known as “she who has the same kind of dog as the Queen of England,” has renamed her husband “Mr. Coffee,” for reasons that are unclear.


  1. No. The mini-fridge was always my idea. But probably a bad one. I don’t need easier access to Diet Coke. That could get expensive.

  2. Chanting joggers, MacSkinz, mourning garb, Marked for Life, Texas grid, and do not call

    People are finding each other in my blog comments… At least I think that’s what’s going on, I’m not sure. It’s the post about the man that committed suicide on the I15, the afternoon they shut down traffic for hours. Seems a person that knew him migh…

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