Old crimes, new crimes

Science labs had different experiences in the blackout, from the serious to the silly. Viruses had to be contained and experiments safely halted at Newark’s Public Health Research Institute, while attendees at a meeting on Long Island were playing hooky in Manhattan and bought used bikes to get back. (Note to editor: bicycles are pedaled, not peddled, unless they sold the two-wheelers after use).

Where was the self-parking car when I was getting my first driver’s licence?

Y’all know, I’m sure, that the newest findings seem to indicate that the Iceman was a murder victim; now comes further confirmation of that theory. Blood from two different people has been identified on an arrowhead near his body. Talk about a cold case!

More criminality: in NYC, charges can now be filed solely against DNA, whether the individual from whom it came is in custody or not. This is to avoid statute of limitations problems. I’m reserving judgment.

Lastly, for the baseball fans, there’s a wonderful interview with the woman who wrote last year’s biography of Sandy Koufax here.

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