Phew and hooray

I just went through my e-mail inbox (4 possible incoming accounts) and deleted 2,775 messages. It’s all very well to get reminder notices about things, but they tend to pile up. Bleah.

I’m going to the same place to see the same thing for the 12th or 13th consecutive year tomorrow. I speak of Super Bowl XXXVII, of course. And, as usual, I’m in charge of chips and dip. Think we’re in a rut? However, on the chips front there is wonderful news! Doritos has re-introduced their basic unflavored toasted corn chips! No more off-brands to avoid the awful flavoring of the Nacho Cheese style for me; I can go back to basics–Pace Picante Salsa and Doritos corn chips! Pass the beer!

Oh, and I’ll take Tampa Bay out of sheer sentiment; they were so awful for so long that they almost deserve a win.


  1. Yeah, ruminator-I can’t get to your site!!!
    Will have to try again.
    Re: Chips. Where I live, it is impossible to get any chips without salt. I guess the manufacturers feel our senses are already shot from living in NJ, and they can dump more chemicals on us **cough, hack**…

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