10/27: New Dodgers’ post up top
Buster Olney of ESPN offers up seven things the Dodgers should do this off-season.
- Re-sign Zack Greinke, no matter how much he wants or how long he wants it for
- Decide on Mattingly’s fate
- Add another deluxe starting pitcher
- Decide Puig’s fate.
- Keep Howie Kendrick
- Shore up the bullpen
- Change the clubhouse culture
On Puig: Olney reports that on the day Puig started in the series against the Mets he caught the last bus from the hotel, he didn’t start the stretch period with the rest of the team and he didn’t take as many cuts in the batting cage as usual. He thinks the Dodgers need to decide whether Yasiel’s “quirks” can be lived with and if so, they need to get the other players to learn to live with them too.
Well, maybe. From what we’ve read in the media Puig does seem to have a little trouble with clocks, but he’s shown nothing to me that would indicate he’s not a team player.
On clubhouse culture: He says some players felt “unsettled because for others besides Kershaw and Adrian Gonzalez and a handful of others, there was no sense about who might be headed out the door and who might arrive. Some players spoke about a diminished sense of investment in each other.” Olney then says the Giants, Cardinals and Pirates all exude mutual respect and esprit de corps, and the Dodgers don’t have it.
Who’s to say? He’s certainly in a better position to know that than am I. I can certainly understand if some of the everyday players whose names no one but fans know might feel like they’re parts to be slotted in from day-to-day.
If you’ve got an Insider account at ESPN you can read the whole thing.
10/27: New Dodgers’ post up top