Random replies on Facebook

I’ve seen some statements on Facebook that prompted me to reply, and it seems to me they should be collected in one place.

First: Someone wrote “We’re getting the government we deserve.”

My response: “I reject that. We are getting the government that 1/3 of us wanted, some of whom lived in strategically important states. Another slightly larger third didn’t want this at all, and the remainder couldn’t be bothered to vote for various reasons of its own.”

Second: Someone suggested Trump didn’t really think. I suspect I know what she meant: that he reacts, he doesn’t plan, doesn’t study a problem.

To that I suggested: “Oh, he’s cunning. He’s not intellectually smart, but he’s sneaky. He’s a con man and always has been. It’s astonishing that he still gets suppliers and contractors to work for him, since his record shows he stiffs people like them so regularly. But he’s got that gift of persuading people that those other guys screwed him and so he had no choice but to shaft them.”

Finally, when the news about this 35-page intelligence briefing broke yesterday, someone saw the reaction from the right and said “It’s also stunning that people fail to see why some of us feel giddy with the hope that he’ll finally suffer the consequences of his actions.”

To which I said, “We’re liberals, doncha know? Mean rotten coastal elites who don’t understand God-fearin’ ‘Muricans who are tired of being sneered at ’cause they live in “flyover country.” We’re latte-drinking BMW-driving roundabout-using black-clothes-wearing skinny men and women who don’t know what a combine is and can’t identify John Deere-green and wouldn’t wear a baseball cap on a bet.”