Irony abounds

I am bitterly amused that the Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee tried very hard to show how concerned they were about the personal safety of this President and his family while grilling the Secret Service Director today.

I say bitterly amused because we all know that Darrell Issa (the Chairman of the Committee) has invested thousands of taxpayer dollars and hundreds of hours trying to make the case that that same President is incompetent and not worthy of the job, whether investigating Fast and Furious gun schemes which actually started under President Bush or trying to find something (anything!) to show the President and his Secretary of State were guilty of malfeasance or misfeasance in the Benghazi! affair.

Ah, but today, Issa and his crowd were oh-so-concerned for the well-being of President and Mrs. Obama and their two daughters.

Gag me with a spoon.


  1. In all fairness, I think they actually were not exercising the incredulous hypocrisy that you think. I actually think they see the Secret Service’s failures as somehow the President’s fault, like everything else. Which has its own irony, but also a perverse internal logic.

  2. Oh, I’m sure it was all his fault. I mean, Darrell Issa believes that and he’s always right, right?

    There were some honest people expressing dismay and outrage in that committee hearing, but there were more who were interested in scoring points against Obama and the Administration.

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