The Romney-bot

I could save myself some time and thought if I just posted “Go Read Charlie Pierce” every day. Today he makes a nice catch of something Mitt Romney said the other night at a fund-raiser. Quoting Sara Murray of the WSJ, he writes:

He also vowed to stand up to teachers unions and warned that unions would funnel dues to Mr. Obama’s reelection campaign. “The unions will put in hundreds of millions of dollars,” Mr. Romney said. “There’s nothing like it on our side,” he said, and he encouraged attendees to get their friends to donate, as well.

“There’s nothing like it on our side.”

Rick Santorum must be busting a gut over that one. Newt Gingrich’s jaw may never come off the floor. A man who money-bombed his way to the nomination of a party a substantial portion of which looks upon him as a stubborn and unsightly rash is pleading poor-mouth to a bunch of go-zillionnaires in Palm Beach because that mighty 10 percent of the American labor force that’s organized is about to unleash its mighty wrath on poor widdle him. The shame in this family must skip two generations.

I think that last is a little harsh. From what I recall of Mitt’s father George, he was a pretty good man. I doubt he’d have lied like that.