Bye bye, Olympics?

“That man in the White House” may have cost Los Angeles a chance to host the 2024 Olympics and the United States a chance to host the 2026 World Cup in soccer. How? By banning Muslims from entering the country. “But wait,” you say. “It’s only for ninety days and only for seven countries and Syria, Trump ordered.” Yeah, but the IOC and FIFA might conclude that he’s too untrustworthy and their organizations might conclude their events would be better held elsewhere.

Here’s an example of the problems now presented:

The United States freestyle wrestling team is scheduled to participate in a World Cup competition in Iran on Feb. 8. Steve Fraser, the chief fund-raiser for U.S.A. Wrestling and a 1984 Greco-Roman Olympic champion, said on Saturday that the president of Iran’s wrestling federation was scheduled to meet this weekend with government officials there in an attempt to make sure the Americans would still be invited to the meet.

“There’s some nervousness by us that the Iranian government might say, ‘We can’t get visas to go there, so no Americans can come here, either,’” Mr. Fraser said.

As far as those bigger events, several NBA players have ties to Iran (on the list), and several marathoners have ties to Somalia (also on the list). Major League Soccer has two players who’ve played for Iran and Iraq’s national teams, and Iraq is also on the list of undesirable countries.

Now, the IOC and FIFA have both shown themselves to be willing to ignore an awful lot in order to place their events where the most money can be made, so they might try hard to ignore Trump’s ban too. It could be, though, that their constituent athletes and viewers might demand they not kowtow to a US President who’s shown himself to go off half-cocked with little thought of consequences.