Murder by gun is political

Apparently there’s some sentiment floating around the Internet from the right-wing that we should just grieve for the victims of the murders in Aurora and not address the politics of gun control, out of “respect” or some such crap. It is crap. I suspect the dead would encourage us to address the issue of controlling …

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What more is needed?

Fed Chairman Bernanke testified to the Senate Banking Committee today and basically said nothing useful. More importantly, he didn’t say he’d do anything useful either. Democrats, continuing a recent pattern, were less forceful in their calls for additional action by the Fed. They received from Mr. Bernanke only the assurance that the Fed took the …

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It fit into the Mini, but not easily! This sucker will replace the one on the front door which keeps jumping the track. Now if I can keep small kids and dogs from throwing their full weight against it maybe I won’t have to replace this one anytime soon.