Enough with the advice already

I know the authors of these “Democrats, play nice” articles mean well, but none of them seem to recognize what the Republicans are doing. Republicans in this century have thrown the idea of comity to the winds; it’s absolute political power they want.

Here’s an example of one of these articles. It advises the Senate Democrats thus:

There is a better way to avenge the treatment of Garland and call attention to Republican hypocrisy. Democrats could demand, as a condition for not mounting a filibuster of the Gorsuch nomination, that the Senate pass a resolution declaring that no vote will be held on any Supreme Court nomination in the final year of President Trump’s current term. Republicans would be hard pressed to oppose such a resolution, given the Garland precedent they laid down, while Democrats would gain their pound of political flesh.

Republicans would be hard pressed? They would laugh all the way to the Judiciary Committee! What the hell do they care about resolutions? In the last two days they have suspended the quorum rules in the Senate to force Cabinet appointees out of committee despite Democrats’ objections to the candidates’ misstatements, lies, and dissembling, not to mention their conflicts of interest. They don’t care about good governance or about getting along with the Democrats. They care about legislating and judging which benefit their rich donors, their friends and themselves.

I have had it with these “advisors”. They really do epitomize the folks who take knives to gunfights.