Golfing call to action

The 2017 USGA Women’s Open golf tournament has been scheduled at a golf course owned by the President-elect of the United States.

According to columnist Christine Brennan in USA Today

The USGA has made a visible effort over the past few years to try to start digging out from decades of discrimination against women and girls. With millions of 20-something and 30-something female athletes out there looking for sports to take up in adulthood, golf is not thriving. It is flailing.

Given the things said about women by the President-elect that came out during the campaign, should the USGA hold its premier women’s event at a golf course he owns?

It should immediately renounce Trump and his golf course and find a replacement location, something that is eminently doable for a tournament of its size with eight months to go.


We know Trump wouldn’t be happy. There would be tweets.

But if the USGA had the guts to stand up to Trump and take the Women’s Open away from him and his golf course, it would be delivering the most significant message of inclusion to women and girls in the history of the game of golf.

Do I expect the USGA to do this? Hell no. It’s in an awful position, particularly now that he’s been unexpectedly elected. That hasn’t stopped three NBA teams from refusing to stay in Trump-branded hotels when they play on the road this season, but it may well stop the USGA. Golf is conservative, its organizations are even more conservative, and it would take an act of courage. Brennan (and I) think it should move the tournament.

So this is your choice, USGA. You can stand up for women and minorities and immigrants, here and around the world. Or you can bring the best female golfers in the world to a golf course owned by the best-known admitted sexual predator in the world.

Your call.