Try try again

The State of Texas lost its Supreme Court case two weeks ago when the Court ruled 5-3 that the state’s rules requiring clinics’ doctors have admitting privileges at a hospital in the same area as the clinic was an undue burden on women, and requiring the clinics be outfitted as though they were “ambulatory surgical centers” was also too strict a rule.

Were the states’ politicians cowed? Hell no! They were angry! So what did they do? Well, they got their friends at the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to write new rules to forbid abortion providers from disposing of fetal remains in sanitary landfills, instead requiring only cremation or interment of all remains, no matter how short a gestation period.

This is similar to the “ambulatory surgical centers” business — most clinics don’t have crematories attached. Nor do they own land they can use for burial grounds. It’s just another attempt to drive abortion clinics out of business by placing unreasonable restrictions on them.