Feedback loop

From what I’ve been able to tell from video and transcripts and commentary about that Republican debate last night, the candidates’ incessant whining about those mean CNBC moderators at the previous debate paid off. The Fox Business Network journalists just let the candidates spout shortened versions of the same stump speeches they’re used to giving, followed by some back and forth among them.

This seems to me to be a problem for whomever is finally selected to be the party’s nominee, because if he (I’m throwing Fiorina over the side; she wouldn’t know an honest answer to a question if it bit her, and surely even Republican primary voters will finally figure that out) just blows smoke throughout the entire primary process, when he gets into a debate with a Democratic policy wonk like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders he’s going to look like a damned fool.

Remember that in 2012 the Republicans had convinced themselves that Romney was going to win going away against President Obama, and that they’d win a lot of downballot elections as well. As a Democrat, it’s my fervent hope they do the same thing again in 2016.