Why be surprised at Ben Carson’s shooting plans?

They are, Paul Waldman says, exactly what the NRA and the Republican Party have been saying for years now:

“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” says the NRA, and Republicans believe it, too. So they push for laws to allow guns to be brought into as many places as possible — schools, government buildings, churches, anywhere and everywhere. They advocate “stand your ground” laws that encourage people to use guns to settle arguments. They seek both open-carry and concealed-carry laws on a “shall issue” basis (meaning the government presumes that you should get the license unless it can prove you fall into certain categories of offenders) to put guns in as many hands as possible.

All of this is driven by the fantasy of the gun owner as action hero.

In 2013, the CDC says, there were 32,888 gun deaths (murder, accident, suicide). Apparently 33,000 lives per year is insufficient to get the Republican Party to agree to require American gun owners or buyers to submit to background checks when they want another weapon. We could and did reorganize our entire society as a response to the murder of 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001, but we can’t seem to do the same when we have ten times that many killed every year.

I don’t know how you persuade the American people that this is insane. I guess you just keep trying, using facts and logic.