
There’s no shortage of analysis trying to explain the Trump phenomenon, and I don’t think anyone’s quite got it. I certainly don’t understand why a whole slew of Republicans say they’d vote for an obnoxious bellicose dude who (cleverly) refuses to put forth any policies for people to chew on.

Sometimes I wish the media would get out of “If it bleeds it leads” mode with the guy, but other times I’m glad it’s focused on him and his behavior toward his opponents because that focus makes them all look small and inconsequential. Look at what’s happened to Scott Walker’s Iowa poll numbers. He’s down to 3% support there. He needn’t feel too badly, though: Bush has 6% while Fiorina, Kasich and Rubio each have 5% and none of the others top 4%.

This was, we were told by Republican party leaders and pundits, a super field of candidates. Apparently they meant for some office other than President of the United States.