UK Election shocker

The citizens of the UK voted for the party which intends to cut public spending by another $50 billion beyond the ostensible $100 billion the Tories cut in their first term in office.

This is akin to saying “give me more Castor Oil, Mom.”

Besides the proposed cuts, Prime Minister Cameron and his crowd face two major problems: firstly, he promised a referendum on staying in or getting out of the European Union. If the vote is “OUT!” the disentanglement might be devastating to the UK economy for quite a while, and it’s not in the best of shape as it stands now.

Secondly, the whole of Scotland essentially voted for its separation from the UK. The Scottish National Party took 56 of 59 possible seats allocated to it in Parliament. The party has said it has no plans for another referendum on leaving anytime soon, but its constituents might push it to do so despite its statements. If that occurs, the UK is reduced to England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Apparently there’s little appetite for full independence in Wales, but they want more power and local control devolved from the Parliament in Westminster to their own Assembly in Cardiff.

Mr. Cameron may have won the right to preside over a much smaller United Kingdom.